Gweneth Debra Cade is here (super early!!!)

We are beyond excited to announce that our little baby girl Gweneth Debra Cade is here! Born September 19th, 2015, she's 6lbs 14oz, 19...

 photo 7-Birth-Baby-Gweneth_zpsxzgz2ax3.png We are beyond excited to announce that our little baby girl Gweneth Debra Cade is here! Born September 19th, 2015, she's 6lbs 14oz, 19" tall, with tons of beautiful red hair! She came three and a half weeks early (a huge surprise!) and we couldn't be happier!

The day was a crazy, blurry, painful, surreal miracle and so far the most amazing day of our lives. I never want to forget it so I have to write it all down. A few things I want to remember, the thing I said the most was "this is not how I envisioned it!" (and also "I just want wine and pie!")

The other thing I won't ever forget, probably my favorite part of the day, was Justin. It was never like I was doing this by myself, it was like we were doing this. He was by my side every second, holding my hand, being supportive, and just overall amazing. There isn't a single person on this Earth I'd rather have with me on this adventure.

September 19, 2015

6:30AM: I was beyond surprised when my water broke. We had about a month left before her due date, so I just thought maybe the baby had grown so much that I couldn't control my bladder. But no, it had broken, and Justin jumped out of bed with an "are you kidding me?!" when I told him.

6:35AM: We stood in the hallway in disbelief because most of the things on our "do before baby gets here list" were planned to be done the coming week. 

7:00AM: Call Mom! She had a ticket to come at the end of the month. Somehow when she answered the phone she knew I was in labor and booked another ticket right then and there.

7:05AM: Typed up birth plan that will never be used and printed out a bunch of copies.

7:45AM: Grabbed camera, a pair of socks (my Dr. said all I'd want is a pair of socks), and headed to hospital.

8:00AM: Arrived at hospital / delivery room.
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8:15AM: I was positive they'd send me back home. I wasn't in any pain and apparently missed the part that if your water breaks, they keep you in the hospital. When the nurse told me to undress and get in the gown, I was like "so I'm staying?"

"Yes," she said. "This is happening."

8:30AM: Put on the MSU game.

9:30AM: Start petocin. My Dr. was out of town, so the alternate Dr. came in and explained that since I was only having very tiny, infrequent contractions we had to introduce petocin to get them going (Note: Don't Use Petocin was number three on my birth plan. Also, Prefer No IV was on my birth plan... I thought I'd "stay hydrated" on my own with Trader Joe's version of Gatorade. They put the IV in almost right away).
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2:00PM: Contractions out of control and I tell Justin to BRING. SOMEONE. IN. HERE. to get me the epidural (No Epidural was number four on my birth plan). 

2:30PM: Epidural relief. Epidurals are amazing.

4:30PM: I'm told to do test pushes, and they seem disappointed that I have no idea how to push. My Dr. (who scares me) tells me that they have to turn off the epidural so I can "feel everything".

6:00PM: I feel everything.

6:05PM: The nurse (who was super nice, we loved her) has me start pushing again. It felt like there was no way I was going to push a baby out of me. 

6:20PM: My Dr. comes back in, brings over a table full of scary knives, scissors and other medieval tools and sits in front of me. She joins in helping me push. My contractions were insane and they have me push three times on every contraction (I remember pushing so hard that I had to squeeze my eyes shut, and I kept thinking it was going to give my eyes instant, permanent wrinkles). I found it hard to focus because I was so scared of what the Dr. was going to do with any of the crazy sharp knives she had. 

6:30PM: Still pushing! And my Dr. seems like she wants this baby out. I was convinced she was going to cut me open right there and grab the baby and I was freaking out and yelled "I'm so scared" (of the Dr.!).

6:38PM: Gweneth's head is actually halfway out. And it's incredibly painful!!! I yelled to the Dr. "you're killing me!!!"

6:41PM: Last push, and she's out! The pain is gone and they hold up this blue baby that is crying. And I'm thinking whose baby is that? I heard them ask Justin to cut the cord (which I wanted to see, but didn't get to). 
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6:42PM: Things were as surreal as they can get. I'm bawling because I'm so glad it's over, they stick this blue (but quickly getting color) crying baby on my chest and I look at Justin's face. His adorable, emotional face. He is so excited and I'm just beyond glad that he's the one there with me. Then I birthed the placenta (which I didn't get to see). And then I get what seems like a million stitches.

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The three of us just stuck close. I kept telling Justin I couldn't wait for him to hold her, but he said he loved seeing me do that. We stared at her for, I don't know how long. It's funny the things you notice and remember. I vividly remember seeing just one eye was open, her little nose, little hands all over the place, and that she had tons of hair!!! Tons of red hair!!! We were mesmerized by every little thing (but honestly, couldn't get over the hair).

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Time flew by. After a bit Justin brought up my mom and Ursie. It was another great moment having them see her. Then they put me in a wheel chair, put the baby in my lap, and we all went up to the recovery room.

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We just basically stared at her all night. Justin's family came up and joined us and we commented on everything about her. Her hair (mostly), her face, her size! She was three and a half weeks early and so big!

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At one point everyone had left. Justin had to bring my Mom home and wasn't going to be back for half an hour or so and it was just me and Gweneth. I just stared at her. I don't think I took my eyes off of her for the entire half hour. Looking at her eyes, her hair!!! When Justin came back I was crying (I mean, from that point on, it was at least a week of crazy super emotional moments). This time I was crying because I was worried the time would go by too fast and she wouldn't be this little for long.

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The next morning it felt more real. At one point Justin was changing her diaper and my mom and myself were standing next to him watching. And right then she looked like Justin! And my mom saw it, too!

Our experience at the hospital was great. Everyone was so nice, and the rooms were actually pretty big. Justin's bed wasn't anything special, but it was good enough for him to sleep on and stay both nights.

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Haha! Her hair! It just cracks me up! Every time the nurses came in they'd put her hat on, and I always took it off because I loved seeing it!

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We stayed in the hospital for two nights, and Monday morning, September 21st, we went home. My mom had brought me a cute, comfy dress she got from Meijer back home. She also picked out a super cute outfit for Gweneth that "could be something she could come home in from the hospital". I was so glad she did, since I hadn't even gotten around to picking out what she'd wear home.

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Her car seat! She looked so tiny in it! The nurse wheeled me down and we met Justin by the car. Putting her in the car was another surreal moment (we have a baby!) and driving home was incredibly emotional.

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It was such, and continues to be, an amazing experience. We are still in this surreal, amazing haze of it all, and are so excited she came so early. She's a blessing straight from God, and we love her so much!!!

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