
I cannot believe how fast time has gone. Up until now my pregnancy has felt like the main event. As in, they baby will be here waaaay down...

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I cannot believe how fast time has gone. Up until now my pregnancy has felt like the main event. As in, they baby will be here waaaay down the line, right now I'm just pregnant and I can just take my time with actually getting ready for the baby.

But I'll be 8 months on Sunday. And my doctor told me it was "time to have that emergency bag packed".

Needless to say, we are very excited, but at the same time I'm feeling a little bit of anxiety over not having everything done on my list!!!

It's really hard to believe, when I stop and think about it, that I've been pregnant for most of 2015. Below is our first ultrasound, about 9 weeks. I don't know what I expected to see, but I thought it would be a little more decipherable than this! I'm still not 100% sure what I'm looking at, but I'll never forget the excited look on Justin's face when he saw it. I was excitd, too, but at the time I was getting a rather uncomfortable ultrasound, so I didn't have the luxury of watching the screen without random tools shoved in my body.

But Justin was adorable. The heartbeat flashed on the screen, and his face just lit up.

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This is the ultrasound that blew our minds. It was 12 weeks, and we went to a place that did 3D ultrasounds as well. I mean, I didn't realize it actually looked like a small person until I saw this. That looks like a baby! This was the one we would show everyone, and it was so much fun to see their reaction.

This was also the ultrasound we showed our OB (a different Dr. did the ultrasound), and both him and the nurse said "it looked like a boy, but it was too soon to tell" (Spoiler alert: it's a girl).

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Below is our 20 week ultrasound, and the one where we found out what we were having. Telling family was fun, and it was extra special to tell Linda. She's been fighting cancer like a champ this entire year, and her excitement for us means so much. My mom brought her a "It's a Girl" balloon when she told her. And the photo next to that is our little girl's first gift from her grandparents. :)

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I have felt amazing during this pregnancy. And my body's reacted really well. I've really only gained weight in my stomach (woo hoo!) and have been able to wear most of my regular clothes.

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June got crazy, and we've really been going non-stop since then. We got an apartment, and right after we got it (but hadn't moved in yet), we had some trips planned. We went to Portland, Oregon for a little get away... which was fun, but we were kind of stressed most of the time knowing we had to pack up and move when we got back.

This is VooDoo Donuts. It's an iconic Portland donut spot. They also have food trucks everywhere, and tons of great restaurants and awesome coffee shops!

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Justin found the coolest hotel in Downtown Portland.

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This coffee shop is special. It's called Public Domain, and it's where we decided on a name for our little girl. We didn't have names for the longest time, and then we had a bunch! We were going back and forth, coming up with different names every day. I was convinced we wouldn't have anything by the time she was born. But over time one just rose to the top, and we love it. And this is where we decided on it.

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The day after we got back from Portland we went to Catalina with our friends Justin & Heather. The Justins went scuba diving and had a whole bunch of dives throughout the weekend, so Heather and I toured the island. I love the photo of Justin under the water.

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As soon as we got home from Catalina we started moving. Oh moving. An incredibly stressful, unorganized, time-crunch of a week. So glad that's over! And so glad my mom was able to come out shortly after to help us whip this place into shape. I honestly don't know what it would look like if she hadn't come out.

She painted, helped us organize, get the main area and kitchen set up, the nursery... she's amazing. She really is. We spent almost every day at IKEA (we live about 6 minutes away), even getting there before they opened and having breakfast in their cafe. Thank you, mom!!!

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After she left our good friends Ginger and Mike came to visit. We had so much fun with them and miss them already. I wish everyone we loved lived right next door to us here in Burbank. We did breakfast every morning at our temporary table (we now have a real one... thanks IKEA!), explored Burbank, and got Mike hooked on Game of Thrones.

We did have to leave Ginger and Mike to their own devices for two nights, because we have all these baby classes we're taking. I was kind of against them at first. I did not see why we needed to take them (how hard can it be, right?). But, now that we're wrapping up (our last class is this Monday), I'm so glad we took them, and I'm actually going to really miss them. If you're local, I highly suggest doing classes at St. Joseph's here in Burbank. They were invaluable, and we obviously know everything we're going to need to know to raise a child... or at least bathe them (as long as they stay as still as the happy plastic babies we had in class).

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We talk almost every day about our baby, and wonder what she'll look like and just imagine holding her. We've read a lot of the books people have given her, sat in her nursery and cried when we see commercials with babies in them.

I cannot believe we're going to have a little human!!! It's so surreal. I imagine her looking just like Justin (well, a girl version of Justin). And I hope she likes being swaddled, because we definitely have that down.

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