We're Pregnant!!! :)
June 15, 2015
We are beyond excited and blessed to announce that we'll be welcoming a little baby girl this October (!!!). It feels surreal. It's hard to believe that in 17 weeks - ish (I'll be 23 weeks tomorrow) we'll be holding a new tiny member of our family in our arms.
Justin is adorable. He is so excited, and that's probably been my favorite part of this whole experience so far. He's going to be the best dad. He's already researched (and researched and researched) the best car seats, strollers, monitors, etc. And I mainly look at baby clothes, stuffed animals and nursery designs. :)
My other favorite part is feeling the baby move. Aside from seeing our 3D ultrasound at 12 weeks (which blew our minds, I thought it was a circle-y blob until then), the baby actually moving has made it feel real.
We have so much to do: move!!! prepare, register, baby showers (beyond excited for that!), set up a nursery, take classes at the hospital... but even so, October seems so far away. The thought that we've made a little baby human is basically the most exciting and mind boggling thing that has ever happened to me (to us!) and we cannot wait to meet her.
Congratulations! I am so excited for you guys!!