Week 3
October 09, 2015
Gweneth went to church for the first time! Everyone was so excited to meet her, it was so nice! And I loved hearing everyone comment on her hair! :) This is one of my favorite dresses on her. It was one of the first things we bought from her. It's from Baby Gap (the place with the cutest baby clothes ever) and it just looks so adorable.
Justin had seen this Super Girl onsie (cape included!) and really liked it, so I ordered it and surprised him. Haha! it's so cute!
She got to meet Grampy for the first time! My dad came for a little over two weeks to spend time with Gweneth. If you know my dad, you know he's an MSU fan, so her onsie was perfect.
My mom and I signed up for a cooking class at Border Grill. It was a demonstration style, meaning the chefs cooked up front at a huge counter, and then we could see off to the side what / how they were making it. As they made things the dishes were brought out for us to try. It was kind of like watching a cooking show on the Food Network, but you got to try everything.