Christmas in L.A.!
December 06, 2010Because of my surgery (that I'm having tomorrow, Dec. 7th!!!) this will be my first Christmas in L.A. I was thinking that it wouldn't seem much like Christmas, considering it's still warm and it just isn't the same as back home. But!!! My mom came out a few days ago (she'll be here all of December to help me recover from my surgery) and she got me a little Christmas tree and some adorable ornaments. And then her, Justin and myself went to the Cheesecake Factory at the Americana, an outdoor shopping center in Glendale, it was so Christmasy!!!
All the trees were decorated with lights and they had a HUGE Christmas tree with lights and ornaments. The little trolley had garland, a wreath and bulbs, and the fountain there was set up to go along with the Christmas music! It was so cute, my mom keeps saying it "looked like Disney World!".
1 comments tomorrow! I hope all goes well and your recovery is speedy and not too hard! Sorry you will miss Christmas at home...I know that is disappointing. There may not be snow, but I'll bet CA has some Christmas fun to offer!