Las Vegas

WPPI (Wedding and Portrait Photography International) had their annual conference in Las Vegas last week, and we went! Vegas really is p...

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WPPI (Wedding and Portrait Photography International) had their annual conference in Las Vegas last week, and we went!

Vegas really is pretty close. It's about 3.5 hours away, so it was easy to hop in the car and check it out (plus I'm always looking for a reason to add to our Starbucks mug collection). One thing you'll realize on your drive to Vegas, there is absolutely nothing between there and L.A. except tons of empty land and an Alien Jerky shop. Which obviously you'll stop at, because, what's Alien Jerky? (oh, it's really expensive regular beef jerky).

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One of my favorite things about traveling is finding really great restaurants. I love Gordan Ramsay's food. He has Fat Cow here, and it's one of my faves, so when I saw he had a restaurant in Caesar's Palace we were there!

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The Bellagio Fountain! If you've ever been to Vegas, the fountain is a major tourist attraction. I mean it's water. Dancing to music. Of course we want to see that!

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We went to the expo Tuesday morning, and then headed back to L.A. right after.

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We did make a stop at the Calico Ghost Town. I love Ghost Towns... and if you only look at the two photos here, you're probably thinking this is pretty amazing. But, turns out it's just a re-creation of what was most likely here. Walter Knott (as in Knott's Berry Farms... and jelly) re-created Calico, so it wasn't that authentic (I saw a sign on one of the places that said they had Starbucks Coffee inside, so). But still! :) It was cute-ish.

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You can see it says "Calico" on the mountain behind me.

And that is our Vegas trip! We head to San Francisco tomorrow to shoot a wedding!

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