I'm Emily! I'm an incredibly lucky wife to the ridiculously handsome, hilarious, genius Justin, mom to the two most adorable little girls, creative, business owner, photographer and a not-so-good cook with aspirations to be amazing. And it all happens in sunny Southern California!
How to End Sibling Rivalry and Help Kids Get Along
Learn how to stop the sibling rivalry in your home. When I hear my children
saying negative things to each other, my heart breaks a bit. I learned this
Snowflake Bleeding Tissue Paper Art
Inside this post we share how to make a colorful snowflake using a cool
bleeding tissue art technique! Each one is different and beautiful! Table
of Cont...
Cupcake Liner Snowflake Craft
This simple cupcake liner snowflake craft is a fun and easy way to work on
scissor skills! All you need to make them is some cupcake liners and
scissors ...
Powerful Play Foundations!
When I first created Powerful Play Foundations, my goal was simple: provide
accessible, on-demand professional development that sparks ongoing
22 Inspirational Quotes on Curiosity
Curiosity, it could be said, is the driving force for any progress,
personal growth, or even happiness in general. It’s always a great idea to
stay curious...
Kid Temper Tantrums in Public!
There is nothing more embarrassing than when your child throws a temper
tantrum in public or starts giving you major attitude in front of everyone!
You c...
Free Personalized Valentine’s Day Cards
Today I’m going to show you and easy (and free) way to make personalized
Valentine’s Day cards! To make these easy homemade valentine’s day cards
you’ll ...