I saw Trudy Monk!!!

We finished our "Monk" marathon about two days ago. We watched the entire 8 season series in about a month and a half, and I am ...


We finished our "Monk" marathon about two days ago. We watched the entire 8 season series in about a month and a half, and I am sooooo sad that it's over!!! It is, without a doubt, my favorite show ever.

I'm definitely having "Monk" withdrawal, so what happened at Michael's today was perfect!

I was standing in line waiting to be called to the next register. The check-out line at the Michael's here is very confusing. It's the one-line-wait-to-be-called thing, but there's so much space between the line and the register that it's hard to tell who's even in line.

Anyway, I was waiting to be called when a woman walked up with her cart. IT. WAS. TRUDY. (If you don't watch "Monk"-you should- but Trudy is Monk's wife who was killed, but we see her often in flashbacks. She's also "Jan" from The Office).

I couldn't believe it. She was asking about the line, and saying maybe we should move up, someone was opening a new register, I don't know. I knew that if we moved up the line would mush into a chaotic mess, but I didn't want to upset Trudy (real name Melora Hardin). I kind of moved up, which turned into...a chaotic mess. And then we just stood there. I usually don't say anything when I see celebs, but this was different. We had JUST finished watching Monk!!!

Like a huge, nervous dork I was like "I'm sorry, but my boyfriend and I just finished watching a 'Monk' marathon, and we love you!!!" She was super nice and said thank you (Trudy told me thank you!!!), and then I got called to the next register. Trudy Monk told me to "have a nice day"!!! EEE!!!

My nervous energy followed me to the register. All of a sudden I didn't know what to do with myself. I put my stuff on the counter and started to put my sunglasses on. Inside. Why??? I realized as I was putting them on my face that they weren't needed just yet, so I acted like it was all part of the plan and then I put them on my head. Smooth.

As the clerk was scanning my stuff I noticed that there was a piece of scrap book paper that had gotten in there that I didn't want. But I didn't say anything! All I could think was "Trudy Monk is right behind me! JUST BUY IT!!!" Thank goodness it was only a dollar.

It all happened in a slow fog, and when the clerk handed me my receipt and bagged my stuff, I wasn't even sure the transaction was complete, but I just sort of grabbed my bag and ran out to my car. I called Justin and was like "I'M-AT-MICHAELS-AND-I-JUST-SAW-TRUDY-EEEEE!!!".

Good grief. I'll probably spontaneously combust if I meet Tony Shalhoub!

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