
Going to college in the south, we went to Sonic almost every day. There is no other carbonated drink that can hold a candle to a cherry lime...

Going to college in the south, we went to Sonic almost every day. There is no other carbonated drink that can hold a candle to a cherry limeaid. I definitely miss it.

Living in Los Angeles, Sonic is such a tease. They advertise constantly, but there are only a handful in the state, and there are none within a reasonable driving distance of my apartment.

So when I was researching -- like I do with all southern restaurants I wish were in L.A., Taco Bueno --if Sonic was coming to L.A., I found that there was one on the way to Justin's dad's (Lake Arrowhead)!

I was so excited!!! And I got Justin excited about it, too. He's never been, but I talk about it enough, and he's seen enough commercials to know how awesome it is.

As we entered the Sonic driveway, I found that my explanations of Sonic weren't as detailed as I had thought they were.

Justin: So should we eat it inside?
Me: No... We pull up in our car.
J: We go through the drive through?
Me: No, we pull up and sit in our car and they bring food to us (didn't he understand that this is what separated Sonic from the rest???).
J: Ohhhhh! So that's why they're always in the car in the commercials!
M: Yeah... why did you think they were in the car???
J: To make the commercial cheaper...
M: Ah. Also, we can buy some ice here (we had cold cuts in the car we were taking up to his dad's).
J: At a fast food place? Isn't that kind of weird?

Okay, I can't blame him for not knowing anything about Sonic, but I just assumed the commercials and my talking about it spoke for itself...

Anyway, here are a few photos (I snapped with my new phone). For the record, Justin loved it, and felt that the cherry limeaid was the best drink ever.



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  1. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Hilarious! I have to admit that it would be hard to live without sonic. Limeades are wonderful!

  2. This is the most awesome blog post ever. I love how Justin totally jumped on the Sonic bandwagon.


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