Nike Quick Sister
February 08, 2010I rarely wear tennis shoes. Mainly because I can't find a pair cute enough. I used to have two adorable pairs of Pumas, I loved them. They looked like little ballet slippers. One pair was teel and gold and the other pink and gold, so cute. Since those have worn out I haven't been able to find a pair that stuck out as much. See, I love wearing tennis shoes because they are so comfortable and so efficient, but I'm not going to go around in large white tennis shoes, or any other generic tennis shoe for that matter (I know a lot of people don't care what their tennis shoes look like, and that's fine, but I really appreciate a stylish tenni!).
Anyway, I found an awesome pair of shoes on Nike. I went there because a friend told me about Nike id, a setup Nike has where you can design your own shoe. Very cool, but too expensive for me right now. But, I did find a pair of hot pink tennis shoes that were right up my alley. They are adorable, and a good deal cheaper than the Nike id shoes. They're called the Nike Zoom Fly Quick Sister. They came the other day and I love them. If you love them as much as I do and want a pair for yourself, you can buy them here.