December 08, 2009It actually rained yesterday in CA (although it's hard to imagine considering how sunny it is today). Anyway, I was coming home from the grocery store and I saw the prettiest rainbow. I mean, seriously, it was huge, and really solid colors. Once I got to my apt. I jumped out of my car and ran and got my camera. It had already begun to fade by the time I got back out, but I did get a pic.
This seriously was the event of the day for L.A. because when I got inside Justin had e-mailed me a pic he had taken when everyone at his office ran to the window to see it.
Also, yesterday, I was at the grocery store, in the produce section. I went over to get a bag for some pomegranates, and this woman goes "wait till next year!". And I'm thinking, "are they getting new bags next year?" "what's happening with the bags next year???" so I'm like "haha, yeah". But then I realize I was wearing a USC sweatshirt (I went to ACU, but Justin went to USC, so) and the woman was wearing a USC scarf, so I connected the dots (USC's football team, usually awesome, hasn't been doing that well this year). So then I felt bad for not giving an enthusiastic "yeah!", so I overcompensated and was like "YEAH!YEAH!YEAH!". Awesome.
That is hilarious.