LA Auto Show

This weekend we went to the LA Auto Show. Not my first choice, but it ended up being really cool. We saw a lot of new cars and some concep...


This weekend we went to the LA Auto Show. Not my first choice, but it ended up being really cool. We saw a lot of new cars and some concept cars. Justin, above, loved the motorcycle.

Before going to the auto show we went to Starbucks. We were sitting at a small table with our drinks, and looking over you could see everyone in line, and then a kid lying on the floor. Just lying on the floor, looking up at the ceiling. And his mother standing in line, half looking at him. I even had to step over him twice. I know there are things that you say you won't do when you're a parent, but then a lot of people end up doing that stuff anyway... but I don' think that's one of them.

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  1. Anonymous7:36 PM

    No Emily, you're right...that's NOT one of them. Those kinds of things drive me nuts!


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