October 18, 2010
We are back!!!
The past month in Europe has been such an experience! I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to travel around, experience new cultures, food, driving, and everything else that goes with it for a whole month!
There are a few things I learned while jet-setting, specific things I would have never realized had I not visited these places. I have organized them into a list below.
Things I've learned while traveling in Europe:
- The extra pages in your passport are not for journaling.
- Scotland is actually part of the U.K., and not entirely its own country.
- You do not need to bring a swimsuit to Europe in September.
- The Simpsons are prevalent everywhere.
- Every man in Italy wears a scarf.
- Man-purses are okay in France.
- In most of Europe there is no awareness for personal space. If you can wedge a Kleenex between you and the person next to you, then they're going to move closer.
- There is no need to know what day it is.
The award for Roomiest Cabs, Best Italian Food, and Wittiest Talk Shows goes to...
Going from Westminster Abbey to the Tower Bridge? Big Ben to Trafalgar Square? While your subway system is amazing, your cabs are roomier than the Curling section at the Winter Olympics, and as comfortable as one of those "Heavenly beds" they have at the Westin. And what better combination than taking the best cab ever to a wonderful restaurant? You are not actually Italy, yet you have the best Italian food I have ever had! And after a long day of sight-seeing, what's better than relaxing with a great show? I'll tell you. Relaxing with a really funny and witty show. Which you have (called Q.I.)! Thanks for being so clever London!
The award for Super Intense History, Most Gorgeous Scenery, and The Cutest Accent Ever goes to...
While you have stories of be-headings, scheming murder plots carried out by 10-year-olds, and a pair of money-making-murderers whose story is told again and again on a night walk, you have the most stunning scenery I have ever seen. Gorgeous historical sites and the coolest castle ever set against mountains, parks and trees that are incredibly green and lush. And as if that weren't enough, you have the cutest accent ever!
The award for Best Pastries, Extremely Impressive Art and Most Blinged Out Palace goes to...
You love all of the finer things, and that includes your baked goods. Your chocolate croissants, fruit tarts and brioche rolls are second to none! And just like your tasty treats your art stands on it's own. Your collection at the Louvre could have someone roaming the halls for days! But no halls compare to the glitz and glam of Versailles! Fabulous!
The award for Nicest People, Tastiest Potato Salad and Best at Celebrating goes to...
With a hearty hand, extremely reasonable prices and a warm smile, your people are a breath of fresh air! Weather they're telling you where you are supposed to drop off your rental car or selling you a hot pretzel, you are always happy to help. You even smile when you serve up your most common and tasty side dish, potato salad. And who wouldn't smile when being around such a simple but delicious dish. It makes perfect sense that you know how to party and that your celebrations are so loud, packed and long-running. Only you would take a party that happened 200 years ago and keep it going! Ausgezeichnet!!!
The award for Best Shopping, Most Photogenic Streets and Fascinating Statues goes to...
Your colorful scarves, wraps and leather goods makes someone want to spend every Euro they have! But that's not necessary because you have such great prices! With great deals and your love for haggling, a shopper can walk away with scarves in every color. And good thing. You want to be looking good for all the pictures everyone is going to take of you. With your distinctive buildings and characteristics, even your simplest street is picture-worthy. But there is nothing simple about your statues, is there? Even after hundreds of years, you've still got some of the best sculpture around, and you know it. Look at you, Italy, getting better with age.
Europe collage!

The trip was amazing, but we are so glad to be back. Traveling gave me the chance to learn more about and discover these countries, but it also made me appreciate my own country even more, especially Michigan and California (my homes!). Yay Michiganders, CA warm weather and palm trees and tons of restaurants and shopping (how is there not a Target in every country?)!!!