
  We've moved. It's bittersweet. I miss our old place terribly, but I'm trying to remember that this is a good thing and we...

  We've moved. It's bittersweet. I miss our old place terribly, but I'm trying to remember that this is a good thing and we'll make a bunch of fun new memories here. ...

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I love our Sunday selfies. Gweneth was excited to wear her new Ariel dress today, which looked adorable.  

I love our Sunday selfies. Gweneth was excited to wear her new Ariel dress today, which looked adorable.   ...

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I cannot believe our little Gemma is two! She is just the sweetest thing. She's beautiful, she's always smiling, she's kind, p...

I cannot believe our little Gemma is two! She is just the sweetest thing. She's beautiful, she's always smiling, she's kind, polite, and has the cutest little voice. We started out the day with breakfast at McDonalds. After that we went to see the Poppies. They bloom in the spring every year and we've never gone to see them. They have a poppy reserve in Lancaster (about an hour and a half away). We had dressed for Burbank weather (warm), but it turns out it was pretty chilly and super windy! Justin put their blankets around them like...

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Today we did donuts and the train park. The weather has been getting so nice (it's been a chilly winter here) so we're getting o...

Today we did donuts and the train park. The weather has been getting so nice (it's been a chilly winter here) so we're getting out more. They were so excited to see Peppa Pig donuts! This was Liam's firs train ride! He actually cried for a lot of it, I think it was a little loud for him. ...

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This was the first time I was able to get Gemma's hair in pig tails. It looks so cute! We're at the Zoo all the time, and...

This was the first time I was able to get Gemma's hair in pig tails. It looks so cute! We're at the Zoo all the time, and this time they had their "Boo at the Zoo" decorations set up! ...

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Gweneth has been asking for a "pink bike with a pink helmet" for months. Oma and Opa Sal got her this one for her birthday, a...

Gweneth has been asking for a "pink bike with a pink helmet" for months. Oma and Opa Sal got her this one for her birthday, and she was so excited! We took her up to the church parking lot to ride it. She had so much fun and caught on so quick! She actually hasn't had a chance to ride it since. Despite us saying "this is the best place to ride her bike"!, we left with two flat tires due to random sharp things from some nearby tree! ...

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Gweneth kept crawling on the table to finish her birthday cake, which is really cute. Normally we wouldn't let her get on the table ...

Gweneth kept crawling on the table to finish her birthday cake, which is really cute. Normally we wouldn't let her get on the table like this, but, it's her birthday cake! Gweneth always wants to eat all of "Daddy's toast and eggs". She's so cute and always acts like she's getting away with something. Gweneth can put her own hair in a ponytail, and she almost insists on it. Most times when I get her up from a nap she's put all her ponytail holders in her hair, and insists on wearing it like that where ever we...

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